Joplin Server pre-release is now available

Hi, thank you for your reply.

Well, the database here seems to be hard-coded with the provided credentials in the Dockerfile (or elsewhere, unsure right now) - basically, not changeable

I see this both as an inconvenience and, perhaps a security risk to some - if I wanted to run only a single container for all of my DB needs, this would make it harder.

Furthermore, the Docker build is failing for me on step 10 with the following error:
Step 10/31 : COPY --chown=$user:$user package*.json ./
COPY failed: no source files were specified

I am not quite sure where from the source file should appear - in the build system, I am following precisely the steps from here: joplin/ at dev · laurent22/joplin · GitHub

Here is the build - build #395004 - failed - the manifest for the build is here: " view manifest »"

EDIT: I might know why, because the build is also dependant on the .env file. That would also be nice to fix - as I see it, a Docker image should be as barebones as possible, usable for everyone without them having to build their own image.

I will check how the sources actually work and see if I can help somehow

EDIT2: Nevermind, I don't think it's dependent... Not sure what might be causing it then