Just discovering Joplin today and quite impressed to far. I really like its sobriety and lightness.
Well, the first thing I tried after installing the Win Desktop version was to configure the sync with a WebDAV server on my Synology, and try to sync my PC (on the LAN) as well as a second device (OnePlus 7 Android) though 4G (not on LAN). And there I finished here of course ...
So far, I only managed to make it work using HTTP (port 5005).
The make it work on the LAN, I just needed to:
Make sure that my Syno user (was not using Admin) was in the Admin Group and of course was granted Read/write access to Joblin directory.
And for my Android to work remotely, I just needed to:
Configure my router Port Forwarding TCP 5005 to my Synology 5005
Of course, that means that form my Smartphone, I am running thru the web completely naked and in heat...
I quite tried things around HTTPS (5006) but without success... and still wonder how som of you managed to do that.
i have running Joplin without Problen on my Snology NAS with the following configuration:
Synology WebDav Server: HTTPS Port 5006
Synology Privileges: WebDav Server allow User
Synology Certificate for WebDav Server: Trusted Certificate like Lets Encrypt (No self-signed certificate)
Joplin Sync URL: https://<URL>:5006/<Share>/<Folder (optional)>
Thanks @JackGruber
I guess I'm missing the certificate part... I am not good at that. I'll dig.
By the way, the /User/Folder is your own choice, right ? Could have been /Folder only ?
I followed most of the steps mentionned here, execpt the DDNS as for the moment I am testing Joplin (since yesterday ) only through my local server.
Basically, I installed and enable WebDAV on my Synology NAS, I granted access to the "http" user to the "Joplin" directory I created in the root folder, I used the defaults ports, I tested the connexion from the desktop app (running under Ubuntu 20.04), I tested the conexion (through the "check synchronisation button), which was successfull, but since then I have an error (and obviously sincing is not working) :
request to failed, reason: write EPROTO 61947996422152:error:100000f7:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:../../third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/tls_record.cc:242: (Code EPROTO)
I have checked for hours for the answer, without success so far.
Any idea ?
Thanks for your help,
This config works perfect for me. Only one issue on my Android mobile. My external access works with https://.synology.me:5006/joplin/, but when I arrive home and my mobile automatically connects to my home wifi, the synchronisation doesn't work anymore. I have to turn off my wifi on my mobile to make the synchro work again. How can I change this so that https://.synology.me:5006/joplin/ also works when my mobile is connected to my home wifi ?
I guess this is kind of off topic but I run Joplin server on a Synology NAS inside a Docker image and it runs fantastically - super quick. WebDAV is slow as heck. If you can, give the Docker version a try, it isn't soooo technical and it'll be worth the effort in the speed of syncing, especially in the beginning with larger note sets.
your problem is, that xxx.synology.me is assignt to your public IP. When your android in your Wifi try to connect to xxx.synology.me they use the public IP. Either you mast a NAT from the internal network to your syno for this IP, or you have to return the internal IP for internal requests on xxx.synology.me if your router can do it.
Thank you for the suggestion. Installed it this evening and it really goes much faster ! Don't have to turn off my wifi anymore on my mobile to sync. Made my day.
Good to hear - if you're not already and have some familiarity with the Docker tech, make sure you've got the database data folder mounted locally so if the image is upgraded or deleted you don't have to resync. Mine is mounted thus: - /volume1/docker/joplin2/database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
How do you sync with it? when I try to connect to the joplin server at https://redacted:22300, I get an error
Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:
request to https://redacted:22300/api/sessions failed, reason: write EPROTO 140360976820280:error:100000f7:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:../../third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/tls_record.cc:242: (Code EPROTO)
I'm about to configure my Joplin synchronization on my Synology NAS with Synology WebDAV Server.
Is this step-by-step guide the right way to go?
For the moment I just installed Synology WebDAV server in a few clicks and I am on this page:
I will use Joplin on 2 Windows PCs that do not leave my home + 1 Android smartphone which can sometimes be used outside the home for Joplin but I think I will use it most of the time offline. But if necessary, it could still be nice to be able to synchronize outside the house, if it's not complicated to configure.
For my other uses of the NAS, I use Quick Connect and I connect to my NAS with this address: https://cxxxxx.quickconnect.to/
Most of the time I connect from my LAN and the connection then goes live: https://192-168-1-xxxxxxx.direct.quickconnect.to:5001/#/signin
Besides, I sometimes use this address directly.
I don't have DDNS enabled but I see that this is what is indicated in this topic for the mobile connection.
Is this only in case I want to be able to connect from outside?
If yes, and if I'm at home, will the connection still be made directly (at least the transfer of synchronization data?)
Can I use the Quick Connect address or is DDNS required?
I chose the Synology WebDAV server because from what I have understood it will be simpler to configure than installing a Joplin server (which requires Docker which I am not familiar with). Tell me if you think I'm taking the wrong route.
That looks awfully complicated. I am running WebDAV on my Synology NAS and all I did was download and run the WebDAV server, create a folder named "Joplin" in my shared volume "MyData" and then in Joplin I set the WebDAV URL to be
with a login and password that has access to the shared volume.
It only works on my local network as I do not have a connection to the internet other than my phone but I have 2 Windows 10 Pro PCs, 5 tablets and 3 phones that sync perfectly with it.
If you don't have Synology but you have some other server or just a PC you can use the free version of tailscale VPN Mesh networking to connect your phone to your computer or server when it's out on the internet. It provides an encrypted secure tunnel with a dedicated IP address for each of your devices and they allow up to 100 devices for free. You can get an app for your iPhone or Android phone from the App Stores.
If I'm away from home and I want to load the web GUI admin console for my NAS server I simply launchthe VPN on my Android phone or tablet and connect with a web browser to the dedicated IP address. Piece of cake set up.
No more opening ports and no need to worry about an unencrypted connection between the cell phone app and the server because the VPN handles that for you.
I could never get my Linux Joplin client to work with my TrueNAS Scale smb share file system, the WIndows Jopline version worked great, but not the Linux Joplin. I finally gave up after posting the issue to this forum with no responses and I went with syncing with MS OneDrive instead - works flawlessly so far
I was thinking of using Dropbox but @laurent recommended against it because it would probably be too slow with my large amount of data, and recommended WebDAV among other things.
Since I have a Synology NAS, the Synology WebDAV server solution seems like a simple solution that I will try.
Do you know if there is any benefit in using https rather than http for the Joplin sync connection on the 2 PCs on my LAN?