So when I restart it in safe mode, it's still freezing everything up and that shuts off all plugins and even styling. So it's something else inherent to Joplin core itself. I have an inkling it is maybe either getting stuck trying to synchronize with Google Drive, as the backup plugin has intermittent problems connecting to the /mnt/ file system where it is. And this is actually a very specific feature of Chrome OS because of the workarounds available to be able to allow my Linux Container to connect to it (Google Drive) in that way, but I notice if I leave Joplin open over a span of some days, and come back to it after having not used it, the backup plugin and synch has been failing and is/used to be fixed with a simple system restart. But then Google during their last Chrome Plus Update, added a lot of useless EXTREMELY RAM heavy "bells and whistles" type features that I hate and just get in the way IMHO - anyways and that's around the time frame this started - so it could be from that or a combination of the 2. But not being able to get access to my notes or even create more is putting a big JAM into the works if you know what I mean. It's really hemming me up and putting a big roadblock in between stuff I should be and really need to be doing right now!! I don't know what else to do??? Somebody Please Help!!