Joplin Freezing my entire computer

Operating system

Linux Container on Chrome OS (Updated)



Joplin version


Desktop version info

Thanks a bunch... I was able to login and grab a copy of my "about Joplin" context menu info (although it took like a year to grab before having to force shutdown again!!) Here is that info (great option btw!!):
Joplin 2.14.20 (prod, linux)

Client ID: 6fe...xxxxxxxxxx (not sure if this is safe to disclose here so I x'd it out on purpose, just fyi...)
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 46
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: cfd98e3

Admonition markdown extension: 1.1.0
Backup: 1.4.0
Combine notes: 1.2.2
Cursor Sync: 2.1.0
Enhancement: 1.2.1
History Panel: 1.0.2
Markdown Table: Colorize: 1.2.0
Math Mode: 0.7.1
Note list and sidebar toggle buttons: 1.0.3
Note Tabs: 1.4.0
Quick Links: 1.3.2
Rich Markdown: 0.15.0
Templates: 2.4.0
Text Colorize: 1.2.5

Sync target

File system
*Please Note - Sync Target is technically also Google Drive through file system mount specially available to Chrome OS through Linux Container and Chrome OS configuration etc...although this started giving me issues as well not too long ago!!! (Might have to create another thread for this)

What issue do you have?

I'm technically not on Android, but rather Chromebook Plus running Chrome OS which I guess may be technically a type of Android, but Chrome OS was not an option, so I chose Android in the selection menu. (See Revision Above)

Anywho, so about 3 weeks ago Joplin as a whole started freezing my laptop so badly that immediately after it's opened, I can't do anything but force close my laptop holding the power button until it does a force shutdown (sort of like the old alt+ctrl+delete). This started like out of the blue about 3 weeks ago and I can't figure out why!! I use Joplin pretty much everyday and so it was easy to notice approx. when this started. ..and tbh it's driving me completely mad. I have notes I need to access and even write but I can't get the app to open long enough without freezing everything!! I have this installed on my built-in Linux container. It is the Linux desktop app, not the android version from the playstore if that makes any sense. I honestly can't remember how I installed it. I don't know why but it's just not coming to me lol ^^. I probably installed it via Terminal... Maybe if I think on it...

Does anyone know of anything that happened during this time frame that would cause this to happen out of the blue? Like an automatic update or something? I'm kinda new to working with Joplin in that while I've been using it for just about over a year now, it's always just worked and so I really never had to bother with anything once the initial install was completed other than maybe doing a few manual exports for backups. I was reading in the comments some people mentioning 3.+.+ versions and I am only on 2.12.20 - does this update by itself or am I still running the same version I initially installed it with???

I'm surprised the Backup plugin could actually work on Android, but it runs I think it could use up a lot of resources. I would suggest trying to disable all plugins, one at a time, to find out which one is causing this issue

So when I restart it in safe mode, it's still freezing everything up and that shuts off all plugins and even styling. So it's something else inherent to Joplin core itself. I have an inkling it is maybe either getting stuck trying to synchronize with Google Drive, as the backup plugin has intermittent problems connecting to the /mnt/ file system where it is. And this is actually a very specific feature of Chrome OS because of the workarounds available to be able to allow my Linux Container to connect to it (Google Drive) in that way, but I notice if I leave Joplin open over a span of some days, and come back to it after having not used it, the backup plugin and synch has been failing and is/used to be fixed with a simple system restart. But then Google during their last Chrome Plus Update, added a lot of useless EXTREMELY RAM heavy "bells and whistles" type features that I hate and just get in the way IMHO - anyways and that's around the time frame this started - so it could be from that or a combination of the 2. But not being able to get access to my notes or even create more is putting a big JAM into the works if you know what I mean. It's really hemming me up and putting a big roadblock in between stuff I should be and really need to be doing right now!! I don't know what else to do??? Somebody Please Help!!

Did you try disabling plugins as suggested above?

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