Joplin-desktop on Linux - blank screen

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 2.12.18 (prod, linux)

Client ID: b86cdbd4d2c54950aa795bd991716f51
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 43
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: a0a4a81

What issue do you have?

When I launch Joplin, I just get an empty window. I can see the menu bar (File, Edit, View, etc.), but that's it. It was working fine until recently. Did a recent update break it? The terminal client is working fine.

I am running on Hyprland on NixOS.

This might be related to this GitHub issue, which contains possible workarounds:

I'm running Joplin 2.12.19 on Linux Mint. The desktop displays everything normal. I never saw the problem you are reporting, but I don't know when I had 2.12.18 or if that version might have been skipped by my version of Linux.

Are you running on Wayland?

Experiencing this myself. NixOS (Wayland+GNOME) here. Full log of starting joplin-desktop (I waited some time and moved my mouse since there was some grey flicker - I think the log is very repetitive):

log.txt (1.3 MB)

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