Joplin Cloud and Office attachments on Joplin Android App

Hi there,
This is most likely not Joplin Cloud issue per se but the mobile application one. As it stands now, the mobile client cannot edit attachments, only preview them.

As a slightly hacky workaround you can use Attaché plugin (Mobile drawing update section) for updating attachments. Long story short, the plugin simply replaces attachments inside Joplin's notes for new attachments somewhere in the filesystem.

So, to update your excel file, you'd need just pass a new (edited) file to the plugin and it will replace the old unedited file inside Joplin for the new one.

Basic workflow how to make it happen:

  1. you setup an additional sync between "plugin folder" and an "android folder" (via FolderSync or Syncthing)
  2. You save the edited attachments in the android folder
  3. Next time you'll run desktop Joplin, the attachments will be updated in the notes automatically


graph LR
subgraph Desktop Joplin
Destop-Note1 --> Old-file
subgraph Mobile Joplin
Mobile-Note1 --> New-file
New-file ---> Syncthing-folder-mobile
Syncthing-folder-mobile -->|Syncthing magic| Syncthing-folder-desktop -->|Attache replaces old file| Old-file

In the future if mobile plugins project succeeds, the 1 and 3 steps would be no longer needed but for now you can get yourself accustomed with the plugin workflow

Welcome to the forum, cheers!