Joplin Cloud - 502 Gateway Error

Operating system


Joplin version


Sync target

Joplin Cloud

What issue do you have?

Joplin Cloud does not respond. I receive 502 Bad Gateway constantly. Trying to access site directly has the same issue.

Could you please help to fix this? I have very important notes for meeting today and I’m not able to reach them


I’m getting the same error message from my ipad. HELP!!

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I have the same error on Windows 10 with Joplin 2.14.22 and iOS / iPad in last version :

Dernière erreur : Error: Error 502 Bad Gateway: 502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway

nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)

Is it a sync server issue ?


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I'm using Joplin Cloud instead of Dropbox to support the developers but if it keeps having poor availability I'm just going back to Dropbox synchronization. Waking up to Joplin not being synchronized between my devices makes a terrible start of the day. I love this app and rely on it so much for my life.

Same here.
Same Issue reported at Joplin Cloud offline

Joplin 2.14.22 (prod, win32)

Client-ID: c5213521ab8148f6a62f5f728496c793
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 46
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja

Revision: e579eb9

Conflict Resolution: 1.2.3
Simple Backup: 1.3.6

Letzte Fehlermeldung: Error: Error 502 Bad Gateway: 502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway

nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)

Joplin 2.14.20 (prod, linux)

Client-ID: e4fb0ca68b0446c89e1b90f34a6e3c69
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 46
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Nein

Revision: cfd98e3a4

Backup: 1.4.0
Conflict Resolution: 1.2.3

Letzte Fehlermeldung: Error: Error 502 Bad Gateway: 502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway

nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)

Same issue on my side. Got this the week-end too but somehow it vanished. Tried to check connection in the settings and get the message
Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was:
Moved to an other network have the same issue. Also have it on multiple Android, and Mac OS.
Will it "vanish" again as in 2023? Are is this more serious.

It should be up again! @laurent has posted an explanation:

It's down for me. I use this app a lot! Help!

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Still no sync to Joplin cloud here:

ubuntu 23.10
Joplin 2.13.15 (prod, linux)
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 44
Revision: 7d2c1c0

and Android, joplin 2.14.9

Tried restarting both devices to no avail

Down for me this morning - iOS and Mac. I switched to Joplin Cloud because of the Dropbox issues that started last month, and now once again I can't sync :frowning:

I have sync again now, thank you

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