Notebook: Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.1
Synchronization via managed Nextcloud
iphone: IOS 14.4.1
Joplin for Desktop: 1.7.11 (prod, linux)
Joplin iphone App: 10.7.2
I synchronize Joplin with my Nextcloud. That's working. What doesn't work is the synchronization of my iphone with Joplin via Nextcloud. It looks like all of the notes on iphone are in sync. However, not all keywords were synced. And when I write a new note on the iphone, it doesn't appear on my notebook.
Unfortunately, I have no idea where to start looking for the error.

Check if the sync is finished and you have the same amount of notes, folders, resources on both devices local and remote.
Desktop: Help > Syncronisation Status
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Thank you for your help.
There are differences
But how could I fix this?

Looks like your desktop didn’t complete the sync to Nextcloud. And that is why the phone cannot sync all notes.
Are you sure that the sync is from Nextcloud is complete? Just sync on the again on the desktop.
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Thank you for your help. At the bottom left of the screen in Joplin (first column at the bottom) it says that the synchronization is complete.
But what is strange is that I did the following:
- Notes imported from Evernote into Joplin Desktop
- synchronized with Nextcloud
- Joplin installed and synchronized on iphone
And still it says in the synchronization status that there are more elements in the cloud than locally? How can that be?
Synchronization status (synchronized elements / entire elements)
Note: 4181/3928
Folder: 221/215
Resource: 8737/12725
Day: 22/80
NoteTag: 217/1143
MasterKey: 0/0
Revision: 29/572
Total: 13407/18663
I don't understand that

I think the sync is not finished on Desktop, the first sync can take several hours.
Closing the Joplin App or send the Phone to sleep will stop the sync an the sync has to start again.
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It looks like the sync on desktop did not finish. So just start it again on the Desktop to check if it really finished. If you look at the Total (13407/18663) you see that there is stuff is missing.
If you sync a large amount of notes the Joplin message that the sync is complete is not always reliable, unfortunately.
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Hi! I need help again, sorry.
Synchronisationsstatus (synchronisierte Elemente / gesamte Elemen've been syncing for 2 days now and it doesn't seem to change much. Is that right?te)
Note: 4181/3926
Folder: 221/215
Resource: 8737/12727
Tag: 22/80
NoteTag: 217/1147
MasterKey: 0/0
Revision: 29/648
Insgesamt: 13407/18743
2 Days before total was Total: 13407/18663
've been syncing for 2 days now and it doesn't seem to change much. Is that right?

Thats from your desktop right? Thats really odd and shouldnt happen.
Is there enough free space on your Nextcloud? Is their any error message?
Sorry for all these questions but Joplin sync is normally very robust. It could be some error related to the Evernote import. Your notes seem to be complete but some Resource (Documents, Prictures, etc) are missing. I dont know what the problem is.
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Ok, thank you.
Yes, there is a lot of free space at my Nextcloud. I can't see an error. But...
Maybe it is a problem with Nextcloud? The last sync is just a few minutes old. But maybe it is not ok?
Is there any way to start new?
Thanks for your help

To start from zero with joplin and sync?
- Export all you notes as JEX
- Close Joplin
- Delete .config\joplin-desktop
- Delete the Appdata on the Mobile device
- Delete all folders/files in your Nextcloud WebDAV Jolin folder
- Start Joplin
- Import the JEX file
- Setup Sync on you PC
- Wait untill all Data are synced
- Setup Sync on Mobile device
Importend, make sure you have alle you data exported, otherwise data loss may occur!
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Hi! I did it until 9. and the sync stopps here:
Synchronisationsstatus (synchronisierte Elemente / gesamte Elemente)
Note: 3932/3932
Folder: 216/216
Resource: 4001/12046
Tag: 0/74
NoteTag: 0/1060
MasterKey: 0/0
Revision: 0/0
Insgesamt: 8149/17328
Im Konflikt: 0
Zu löschen: 0
Is that normal?
Thanks for your help

The Problem is that Joplin has a hard coded timeout limit which is i think 120 seconds. This is not enough for very large attachments (except when using onedrive as in this case the attachments are uploaded in chunks). Joplin doesn't show all error message on the sidebar. See Why are some sync error messages not shown in the GUI?. You should read the log file and find large attachments which haven't been uploaded and delete them. Then the sync will work I guess.
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Also, WebDAV/Nextcloud sync speed will be improved in the next version.
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Hi Johnny! Thanks for your help.
I found a log file in .config/joplin-desktop/log.txt
Is this the right one?
There I found some errors like this: FetchError: network timeout at:
But what I don't understand is: "find large attachments which haven't been uploaded and delete them."
When I delete them, they will be gone? But I will need them in my joplin sync? Or do I misunderstand this?
Is there another way to save the attachments to Jolpin in my Nextcloud. Maybe I can upload them directly to a Joplin Folder in Nextcloud?

Unfortunately this is nothing that Joplin can fix. Network timeouts are an underlying issue. Joplin relies on a network that works.
Some people had issues that their hosting provider added rate limiting, connection limits, and whatnot.
Any chance you are running into a similar issue?
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Hi Tessus! Thanks for your help. I just wrote to my hosting provider to clarify this question. 
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But what I don't understand is: "find large attachments which haven't been uploaded and delete them."
When I delete them, they will be gone? But I will need them in my joplin sync? Or do I misunderstand this?
Yes, that's what I meant. That's the easiest way to solve your problem but probably not the best way :D.
Is there another way to save the attachments to Jolpin in my Nextcloud. Maybe I can upload them directly to a Joplin Folder in Nextcloud?
I think you can add attachment as relative path but you must than ensure that the paths work on all your devices. Alternatively you can sync to the filestorage which you again can sync with the nextcloud desktop client. I guess this is the best option for you
Unfortunately this is nothing that Joplin can fix. Network timeouts are an underlying issue. Joplin relies on a network that works.
I disagree with you on that point. It is not easy but theoretically joplin could set the timeout as a function of the filesize which is not the case at the moment. Even with a good network bandwidth, the upload will fail when you have a multiple 100 Mbs large attachment. You could obviously argue that this is not what Joplin is designed for but personaly I think this is something Joplin should be able to handle anyway. E.g. I have attached an installer for an old scanner which you can't find on the internet any more to a note in which I describe how to use the installer on modern devices. I think it is absolutely reasonable to do that. I have managed to upload the attachment by changing the hard coded 120 seconds and build Joplin from source ...
Hmm, in this case there's something else broken.
By definition a network timeout implies that nothing is happening. If there's a file transfer ongoing, there can't be a timeout.
In that case, it's an abort-long-running-transfer trigger, not a timeout.
P.S.: This still doesn't rule out that the provider isn't doing something odd.