Introduction of Hemant Mehta


I am Hemant Mehta a pre-final year undergrad currently pursuing my B.Tech from VIT University. I am a passionate web developer building tech to bring a change in society and make everyone's life easier. I have experience working with NextJS, ReactJS, Javascript, and Typescript. I would like to contribute to the GSOC 2024. It would be great if you guide me on how to start the contributions and go with the code base. I am planning to first understand the code base and start with good first issues.

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Hi Hemant, welcome here. We have all the information you need here: GitHub - joplin/gsoc


Hi Laurent, I am interested in the 2nd idea which is "PDF Annotations" so how can I connect with the mentors?

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All the answers are in the link I provided

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Hi Laurent, is the Joplin project available on gitpod?