Install Location

Tried to locate Joplin after the install (Windows 10, 1909) and found it installed to location: C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Programs\joplin

Is that the correct location?

I expected C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86)

@Homer712 welcome to the forum

When you installed Joplin on Windows you were able to choose whether to install just for you or for everyone.

"Just for you" installs to AppData (which is part of the user's profile), "For everyone" to Program Files.

This behaviour is not peculiar to Joplin.

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@dpoulton Thank you, must have been having a senior moment, as well as stepping through the install while on a conference call. Hangs head!

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I know the feeling!

I now have Joplin installed on my Windows 10 laptop, my iPhone and my iMac, and all syncing via Dropbox. Beautiful piece of software. Installation on all three devices was painless.

One question regarding the iMac install though. Is it possible to get rid of the icon in the Dock and just have the small icon up in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

goto dock, right lick on Joplin icon, options -> keep in dock

A "right click" on the Dock icon does in fact bring up the menu. But, it doesn't seem to matter if the item "Keep in Dock" is checked or not, the icon still stays in the Dock no matter what. I'm on OSX Catalina.

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