Imported md file replaces nordic characters with?


Totally new to this with md files and also Joplin that looks like a really good software. I am coming from Evernote and have read that I can import Evernote notes into Joplin. That is great for the notes I have there...

But I also have a bunch of other text files, locally on my computer that I wish to have in Joplin. So I found a software that renames the files from .txt to .md (Advanced Renamer on windows) and have used that to change the txt files extension to .md.

When I import those files into Joplin I get an question mark (?) in all places where my Swedish text is using one of the three nordic characters of å ä and ö (a with an dot, a with two dots and o with two dots).

What am I doing wrong?

Is there a setting that I don't know about?

Or can't I use this method with just renaming the file extensions?


Could you provide an example file that shows this issue? I expect it's due to the file encoding as Joplin expects UTF-8. If it's in a different encoding, maybe it's possible to detect it, but I'm not sure. Otherwise you'd have to convert them all yourself to UTF-8 using something like iconv.

Ah, I didn't think to add that when I posted.

But here is an exempel :slight_smile:

L�rdag den 17:e till m�ndag 19 augusti vandrade jag fr�n Gr2020-11-09 09:192020-11-09 09:192020-11-09 09:192020-11-09 09:19�nna till Tran�s. Eller snarare s� att jag vandrade fr�n ledens etappstart p� Gr�nnaberget ovanf�r Gr�nna. Dit �kte jag bil. Sen vandrade jag hela v�gen bort till d�r leden korsar riksv�g 32 utanf�r Tran�s och tog bussen hem fr�n Katarp, samma bussh�llplats som jag �kte hem fr�n sist jag skulle g� Holavedsleden, men det som slutade med bara en dagsvandring m�ndag den 22 juli. Men innan jag kom fram till Gr�nnaberget och b�rjade vandringen s� stannade jag och min bilskjuts i hamnen i Gr�nna och �t en varsin god och smarrig hamburgare p� Pir Kro, klart �rets godaste hamburgare.


Text encoding is lost when it's pasted somewhere. If you could attach the original text file that would help.

How do I attach a file to this conversation?

And how can I show this with a attached file when the problem is only showing inside of Joplin software. The original text file is correctly showing the nordic charachters...

Ah found the upload just now :slight_smile:

I just noticed that if I create a new note and copy and paste the text from the txt-file I do get it right with all the right characters.

So that thing you said about "UTF-8 using something like iconv" - I am trying to find that online to use on my Kubuntu but the only thing I find is either online tools (which I don't want to use - privacy issue) or I don't get the terminal commands to work...

And I tried to import the same text files into the Windows desktop client of Evernote, but is the same result there...

So back to that terminal thing...


Send me a file with your encoding that includes one word with a nordic character.
I'll have a look.

P.S.: I mean one file with only one word. :wink: no privacy issues there....

Oki, thanks, will do that tonight when I get home from work.

So I have a file here.

10 bra förmågor.txt (557 Bytes)

Your file is encoded in ISO-8859. When I cat it in the terminal I also get Tio bra f�rm�gor,...

Here's how to fix those files:

$ iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 ISO-8859.txt
Tio bra förmågor, eller de färdigheter som är viktigast.

1. En positiv inställning

2. Din förmåga att hålla dig torr i ett skydd

3. Din förmåga att hålla ditt skydd varmt med en eld

4. Din förmåga att kunna hitta och dricka säkert vatten

5. Din förmåga att klä dig rätt och hålla dig varm

6. Din förmåga att veta var du är någonstans

7. Din förmåga att kunna läsa av naturen och vädret

8. Din förmåga att signalera efter hjälp

9. Din förmåga att reparera och laga din utrustning och dig själv

10. Din förmåga att skaffa mat

So you have to do:

$ iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 input.txt >output.txt

IMO the app that creates the file should do the proper encoding, but that's not always possible.

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Thanks for a simple explanation to something that was new to me.

I got it to work and now I can import my text files and be able to read them :slight_smile: