How to show the label/tag of a Note

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Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

When I am in a note, could you tell me how to display the Tag or Label of the current Note please ?

And from the Note, how may I select the Tag/Label I want to affect please ?

My experience has been whenever i start typing on a new note that becomes the name, so its blank initially then i give it a random name.

The only way i have found to change the note's name is to edit it externally.

Editing the first line in the external editor will change the name of the note.

Hope this helps.

Thank you, but I'm not sure to understand what you mean,
I have no problem with the Note title (I can Edit it in clicking at the top of the Note to change the title).

My question was about the Tag/Label (the category associated to a Note).

I just need to see the Tag/Label of the Note without to click on Alt+Ctrl+T (Labels)

There is a tag bar below the note.


Oh, I think I'm following the problem now.

The tags for a selected note are kept at the bottom of the Joplin window.

Then use backspace to delete the tags you don't want.

P.S. Thanks for the mention about the title - I tried that before and I thought it didn't work, maybe an odd linux thing, haha. It is much easier to change the name of the note the way you described :wink:

That's great ! I looked everywhere and didn't see it :sweat_smile:
Thanks a lot

This works fine on Windows desktop version, but how can I see it with the Mobile App ?
Iis there any option to see it around the note ?
(without clicking on menu, then click "label")

I do not use the mobile client much but, from what I have found, you cannot easily see what tags have been applied to a note.

Ok thank you, for your reply,
I hope they will implement this option in the future (like Evernote did)...