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I see in another thread user @nickzeff has this cool display of the tags in multiple column. How can one do it in CSS?
I see in another thread user @nickzeff has this cool display of the tags in multiple column. How can one do it in CSS?
Not sure how hands on you are with CSS, but this tweak was possible through adding a customised stylesheet. This is an unsupported feature in Joplin, but you can get the UI exactly how you like it... but updates may break your carefully crafted front end!
Lots of resources around, but head here and you can see some examples. You can either apply the whole stylesheet in this library or just grab the bit which changes the tags...
Many thanks nickzeff for the resource! I pasted one userchrome from above. While the appearance of my Joplin changed, it didn't affect the tag list. Maybe the latest Joplin doesn't support this modification, but that is fine. Thanks again.