How to disable optical character recognition in Joplin?

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.1.20 (prod, darwin)

Client ID: 62f03a2282014f12b1bd499b1be77363
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 8199362

Backup: 1.4.2
Joplin Disk Usage: 1.3.1

Sync target



Markdown Editor

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How to disable optical character recognition in Joplin?

Do not tick / untick the "Enable optical character recognition (OCR)" box.

Not sure what you suggest, but unchecking that box doesn’t do anything.

The text is not deleted from already processed files, this only prevents this instance of Joplin from executing OCR jobs. If another instance has OCR active, the data will still be transferred for the search.