How to change the font of menu bar?

Fonts in editor could be changed in custom css. But I can't find a way to change the font of menu bar. in fact, all I need is to modify the font size. They are too small for me.

@popyoung welcome to the forum.

The title bar and the menu bar are not managed by Joplin. They are controlled by the operating system. You do not say what OS you are using so, as an example, the OS font size can be changed in Windows 10 using Settings > Display > Scale and layout.

Thank you for your answer. But this is a global change, and other applications' font fits well now.

Kind of confused about that. I mean, at least when I write a winform app in C#, the font of the menu bar is editable.

Apologies for confusing you. I was speaking as a user not a developer.

The title bar and the menu bar cannot be changed by a user with custom CSS. If you open the development tools and use the element explorer you will not see a response when the arrow is over the title bar and the menu bar. I have always assumed that this is because Joplin is an Electron app and is effectively running in its own, dedicated Chromium browser window (I may also be very wrong :slight_smile: ). As a user the only way to get a bigger menu bar font would appear to be to use any facility within the OS.

You mention being able to change the menu bar font when developing application interfaces in C#. This sounds a more fundamental modification than custom CSS and suggests the sort of change a person with developer skills could implement by modifying the source and re-compiling a custom version. I do not know whether the Electron framework allows this so I will have to defer to any Joplin developer who wishes to add something.

No need to apologize to me :slightly_smiling_face:. My first role is absolutely a user. I am a newbie here and also in Electron. After my last reply, it took me several hours struggling to build the app on my own and doing minimum modification. But my changes to the font of menu bar came to nothing in the end :face_exhaling:.

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