How can I export html notes from Treepad?

This will be a tough one....note application from 2000...!

The notes imported are in HTML, and they are nicely nested:

Format looks like this:


<dd>Automobiles<br /><br />
<dd>Ferrari<br /><br /></dd>
<dd>Toyota<br /><br /></dd>
<dd>All bikes with engines<br /><br />
<dd>Harley<br /><br /></dd>
<dd>Honda Gold wing</dd>


I was also able to get this into markdown, somehow....!



:   Ferrari\

:   Toyota\


All bikes with engines\

:   Harley\

:   Honda Gold wing

In Treepad it looks like this:

is there a way to import these into Joplin?

This and this page might be worth a look.

If you simply want to export your generated markdown to Joplin, you can use File -> Import -> Markdown (File).

If you want to preserve the hierarchy it gets difficult. I'm not an expert on the import feature, but I think it isn't possible OOTB. I guess there are two options:

  1. Split the HTML file in a folder/file hierarchy and convert to markdown. Then use File -> Import -> Markdown (Directory)
  2. Create the notebooks/notes by data API calls.

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