Horizontal split option for editing layout

I would really appreciate the possibility of enabling an option to make the split screen editor/display layout mode a horizontal split rather than a vertical one.

I often take notes from a document in another app side-by-side with Joplin. If my notes need complicated formatting that I need to check as I type (like latex maths commands, for example), I need to use the split screen editing mode. The result can look something like like this:

You can see that the editing and display panes are severely (vertically) squashed. Making the split horizontal – i.e. the display on top, the editing pane at the bottom – would alleviate this problem a great deal.


I would definitely appreciate a horizontal or more broadly configurable panes as well.


I’d love this too. I’d be interested in implementing it if someone could help guide me through the codebase.

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Would anybody here benefit from using the WYSIWYG editor (must be enabled in Tools=>Options Plugins section)? Whatever your formatting will be shown directly in the note you’re writing like in something like Microsoft Word instead of how it is in Markdown.

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+1 Yes please implement this

It is also the existing function of professional editor. . .

+1, I often find myself wishing the preview could be on the bottom half horizontally. Looks like this is issue Horizontal split · Issue #3659 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub

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Horizontal split in "split view" would be great feature! While working with longer lines wrapping complicates reading... and by seeing longer line its much easier to navigate in document.

Another thing is when scrolling long document with images in "split view" and screen side with a viewer runs much faster than editor (with pure markdown text) it bugs me every time :D. My eyes tend to work in sync unlike a chameleon's :lizard: :smiley:

Thanks for great tool!