Highlight inside blockquote

I can, say, highlight text within blockquote:

> This is a blockquote and ==this part is highlighted.==

But highlighting does not work inside, say,

This is a blockquote and ==this part is highlighted.==

What is the way to make it work?

It is because you can use either Markdown or HTML, not a mix of both as in your second example.

Your options would be:

> This is a blockquote and ==this part is highlighted.==


	This is a blockquote and <mark>this part is highlighted.</mark>
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Somebdy may correct my but to my knowledge, it can't be simply done with any flavor of markdown. But a little tinkering with html might help, resulting in something like this:

<pre> This is a blockquote and ==<b>this part is highlighted.</b>== </pre>

This will look like this:

This is a blockquote and ==this part is highlighted.==

If this suffices, just reorder this a bit (add a new line after the opening pre). :slight_smile:

My statement above was not quite right, you can use HTML in Markdown, but not Markdown in HTML.


> This is a blockquote and <mark>this part is highlighted.</mark>

will also work in Joplin.

This was not the OP's specific question but has just been added for correctness.

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