Has the keyboard shortcut Shift+CTRL+V been killed?

in rich edit mode, when pasting previously copied text (e.g. from a browser), unformatted pasting using the shift+ctrl+v shortcut no longer works. I am sure that this worked all the time. Now I have to switch to Markdown mode and paste the text there. Works of course, but is uncomfortable. Would be nice if this shortcut would work again.

Joplin 2.9.17 (prod, win32)
Client ID: e3ac43512da24bfbab778a759ed5229e
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 41
Keychain Supported: Yes
Revision: a84a8e7

This is a bug, already fixed in the current v2.10.x prerelease.

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Oh thanks, did search at Github, maybe I was too blind — sorry!!

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