GSoC Students - Any First Timers Here?

Hello @bedwardly-down, It’s great to know that you have been selected as mentor. This is my first time GSoC and am very worried and excited at the same time. I am self-taught and it’s a challenge for me, also very important at the same to be part of GSoC with Joplin. Also am contributing to Joplin before it was officially accepted as a mentor org for GSoC as you must be aware of it. I am giving my best in contribution towards Joplin either its code contribution or helping the newcomers. I got 2PR’s merged and working to fix more bugs.

I am planning to work with the OCR Support project and this is my workaround [OCR Support workarround] for the project.

I hope to be part of GSoC with Joplin, also I wish everyone good luck.

Thank you