Hi, I registered on the forum now a second time with different mail address and username. Made 2 Posts in the forum. Tryin to login today failed and I got the message that I cannot login with my IP address. I write this post from my mobile as with my laptop I cannot get in.
So what ist wrong with the board. I have no VPN or anything else running what could emerge a blocking.
I like the board and the notes app. I would appreciate somebodys help. Thank you.
Looks like it's working now?
Not at all
I can't login with PC or laptop by wifi as ipaddress gets bocked
I get here with mobile connection
My lP address has been blocked for no reason
I am not a forum admin or moderator.
This site runs using forum software called "Discourse".
The message is shown when an IP address has been blocked on the forum for "spamming" or something else. There is a discussion about it on the Discourse forum here. That is why your PC and laptop are getting blocked (they are linking by WiFi to the same ISP IP address) but your mobile isn't (different network, different IP address).
It seems that Discourse also runs background jobs that identify blocked IP addresses from the same subnet and if it reaches a certain threshold, it can ban the entire subnet.
Alternatively, if the site is using Cloudflare DDoS protection Discourse may see Cloudflare as the source IP for the blocked post rather than the real source IP address and so may block everything coming from that Cloudflare server. If the block is being caused by Cloudflare DDoS protection the linked posts mention that there is a Cloudflare template for Discourse that can be used.
Not a solution, just trying to find an explanation.
Many thanx to @dpoulton for that excellent explanation.
Of course I know that my mobile has diffent network and that's why I can login with my mobile as hotspot. I can also login now by using VPN I just tried.
Nevertheless I must admit that I never had such a trouble with any other board or forum.
I'm member of lots of boards, I have never been blocked with my ISP IP address.
New experience.
Maybe the board administrator can examine the IP or IP range?
We generally don't manage IP blocking in this forum, as it's hosted by Discourse, not by us. You may want to ask on Discourse Meta and see what they say. You may have to provide your IP so that they can check why it's blocked.