Get back left/right margin around editor content with version up to v3.1.22

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.1.24 (prod, linux)

Client-ID: 41c51b5a8fe74b63952c20ce37fed516
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 47
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Nein

Revision: d581264

Backup: 1.4.2
Conflict Resolution: 1.2.3
History Panel: 1.0.2
Note Tabs: 1.4.0

Sync target



Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

With the new version the left/right edge margin around editor content is removed.

How can I get back the left margin or padding of the editor?

I'm trying this in my userchrome.css without success:

.CodeMirror .cm-content {
        padding-left: 10 !important;

Thanx for help


old and wanted behaviour:

with v 24, missing left margin/ padding :

I would be very thankful, if someone can help me with this issue. I also have commented on github:

Try adding px to the units. For example,

/* userchrome.css */
.CodeMirror .cm-content {
        padding-left: 10px !important;
        padding-right: 10px !important;

Oh, what a mishap! Thanx a lot for this tip!