Fonte Awesome 4

Joplin 2.6.10 (prod, linux)

Client ID: d03582bbb80b4f878b8512198cafc778
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 41
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: 98fba37

Font Awsome 4 wont work in my Desktop app. I am pretty sure its windows and Linux versions, but for now I am interested in my Linux one(s)
I just get an empty rectangle when I cut and paste from Font Awesome Cheatsheet or from a file that has them in and displaying as they should (on same computer and OS)

I have the following installed on Archbang:

4 aur/otf-font-awesome-4 4.7.0-5 (+44 0.10) (Installed)
    100% free version of font awesome.
3 aur/ttf-font-awesome-4 4.7.0-5 (+44 0.10) (Installed)
    100% free version of font awesome.

Any ideas please?

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