File/Folder Selection in registerSetting

Would it be possible to implement a file and folder selection for joplin.settings.registerSetting?
This could prevent errors during path / file selection, currently I just use a text field.


+1 for this.

I think the best way is to add 2 more setting types to

file and directory

This way for each platform we can show a native file/dir selector widget (or fall back to String if such widget is not available)

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There's a "subtype" property on settings, which can be set to "file_path_and_args", and that will display a file browser. Is it not working from plugins? If not, I guess it's a matter of giving access to this prop.

On Android file and dir pickers are different things, would be good to distinguisgh them.

+1 for this option
however I don't know if for Plugin it's a matter of Joplin or Plugin

But for instance this feature should exist for templates' creation, I don't find other way but put manually my templates in the good folder, that mean find the folder, create a note for template, export it (e.g. on desktop ) then move it into the template folder. Ouf.

+1 for this.
In Joplin there is this setting where you can select a path to a file:


I was wondering if there is way to add such a setting.

We'd need to add support for the setting subType property, which shouldn't be too difficult.