Feature Suggestion - Create 'Client ID to Nickname' json

Add an option in the app to set a device nickname for the Client ID. That could be stored maybe in a \Joplin\locks\clientid-nickname.json file. Only if a nickname is set, then it's added or updated in the nickname file. Maybe store the date of last update, and an option to force 'ID=name' update every week or so. That way Joplin can either self clean old clients or at least open the file and see what's out of date. Then when a sync error occurs, instead of only showing a random ClientID as the in-use/locked device, it can show the Nickname, and you know which device is syncing at that moment. Especially useful if one system gets stuck syncing for a long time.
I only have three devices syncing, and I see the lock message a couple of times per week, since all three systems are online most of the time. Seems like it should be minimal performance impact for a bit of additional useful info.
Maybe this idea was already dismissed ages ago for some technical reason, but I don't see any requests for it. Currently I have a Note with my Client IDs and System names, but it's of course not automatic, or instant.
Just a thought.
Thank you for the consideration.

Thanks so much for Joplin. It's been working really well ever since I ditched Evernote and their exorbitant prices, while storing about a hundred MB of mostly text-only data.
Evernote is not Amazon Prime. They are not Netflix. Yet they cost as much or more than those and many other services. Just ridiculous. (Sorry. Rant complete.)
My Joplin folder is currently 155MB, with about 4000 notes, and each system is set to sync every 5 minutes.
Thanks again. Viva Joplin!

edit: keyword: friendly name