Feature Proposal: Better UX for the options screen

  • The back button for the options screen does not follow widely used UX conventions and hence can cause ambiguity. Back buttons are usually placed on the top left corner in forms and browser windows.

  • Another proposal is to bind the back button in this screen to the escape key to better facilitate mouse free usage of Joplin.
    Any or both of the implementation(s) would facilitate better UX

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I'd argue to scrap the bottom button container, then add the mobile Configuration title bar above General in the desktop sidebar.

Indicating where the user is in Joplin, ditching confusing OK and Apply buttons, and letting users search for specific options would all improve the user experience of the Options interface.

The only drawbacks I see are search being hard to port over and text to speech not being able to read out button labels.


This sounds great, the Ok and Apply button serve similar purpose and auto saving preferences eliminates the need anyway.