Export OneNote to Joplin

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.2.12
W11 pro

Sync target


What issue do you have?

how can in export Onenote notebooks and import them to Joplin? Your steps is wrong because Onenote does not offer export to ZIP, neither the desktop version of Onenote2016 nor the web version

The zip import for Joplin works when accessing Onenote thru web access only.

OnenoteMdExporter worked for me.

thanks for the reply, can you show me the screen where the export is in Onenote? I don't see it anywhere


you go to https://onenote.com an log in, then you should land on the Notebooks page with a list of all of your notebooks. If you don' land there, just click the link here again after logging in to your Microsoft account and it should lead you to that page.

Now, this is important: Change your language to English (United States) by clicking select language (or whatever that is in your language) in the bottom left corner of the screen. If you have selected any other language than English (US), the export will not work. I don't know if that is a bug or an intentional feature by Microsoft, but it is quite weird.

Afterwards, right-click a notebook and select export notebook. It will then open a new browser window with the option to download the notebook as zip file.

Hope that helps!
Regards from Germany (had to find out about the language thing by googling a lot)

i am sorry i do not have option any Export, Can you show me your Export option?

Ha, that's interesting. Apparently your browser somehow doesn't support or blocks the built-in context menu. Maybe try disabling any extensions such as adblock and allowing Javascript etc?

In my browser (Brave) it looks like this:

Your screenshot only shows the "standard browser context menu"... Or maybe just try a different browser?

Hope you can figure it out!

(another) Martin :grinning:

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oooooo great ... fantastic, thank you sooooo much, it`s working, I use MS Edge and FF and then AdBlock, uBlock and etc., I didn't think that adblock could cause me such a problem, thank you

(another) Martin :slight_smile: