Error decrypting on android

It seems decryption of notes stopped on my android device. The error is in the screenshot linked below. Anyone have any idea on how to fix?


Joplin v 1.0.305 on Android Pie (OxygenOS).

This is a bug on recent Android devices. I thought I had fixed it but looks like it’s still there.

Do you have some particularly large notes or resources? What you look in the sync target, what are the largest .md files and largest files in .resources/ ?

The workaround for now might be to find these files and delete them.

The two largest .md files are 2.3MB and 0.92MB. All other files are < 800KB.
In .resources, the 3 largest files are 5.98MB, 5.35MB and 2.37MB. All other files are < 1.3MB.

I can certainly delete the files, but is there a way of knowing which notes/attachments I’m actually deleting so I can back them up? Or should I just move them out of the directories and later copy them back if necessary?

I deleted the largest 2 .md files and the 3 largest .resources/ files. The new error message is in the screenshot below.


Something odd is going on with the files on Dropbox. I noticed the storage space used is ~55MB and it should 2-3GB. I’ll try re-syncing from the desktop app tonight, and I’ll wipe the Android data and try again. I will report back when done. Are there limits for file size for .md files and files in .resources/? So I can delete any potential problems before trying another sync to the Android device.

It’s hard to tell but I would guess any .md file over 1MB could be an issue. I don’t know what’s the limit as I’ve never managed to replicate this bug, but it has to do with the size of the .md files. The files in .resources should be fine up to 10MB.

It seems 2MB is actually the limit.

@wazabees, the next version will have a fix for this. There will now be a max of 50 MB per note, which should give plenty of room.

Is your sync/encryption still stuck now?

I deleted several of the large files, and the sync seemed to work okay. However, I realized that I really need to go through my notes and delete many of them before making a proper transition from Evernote to Joplin. So I will remove a lot of the data, and set up Joplin for success from scratch. Thanks for the ping @laurent - I appreciate it!