Enhancements to the Mermaid window

When the diagram is huge, I can not read the detail of diagram.
I have to copy it out to mermaid.live to edit diagram, and copy it back to Joplin.
To avoid losing mermaid code, I always have to make frequent copies, which is complicated.
And when I look back at my notes, I can't read them and I have to copy them back again to mermaid.live

I notice that:

  1. Mermaid output window
  2. Mermaid graph size

However, there are not best solution.

The https://mermaid.live solution is the best I've seen and can think of.
So I would like this feature to be added to Joplin:

  1. Add "+","reset","-" three buttons at the right bottom conner of the rendering area, click these three button to zoom in or out and reset.
  2. Use Ctrl + Mouse_Wheel to zoom in or out, when mouse hover over the rendering area.
  3. Drag mouse to move the diagram when the mouse is pointer.

I Notice there are two functions. New features should not conflict with existing features:

  1. Right Click mouse call save to png or svg menu.
  2. When the mouse pointer changes to the cursor, copy the text content of Mermaid rendering area.

Anyone interested in this feature?


It's been a week and no one is interested?