Emoji in Note Titles Prevent Export Without Warning

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.0.12 (prod, win32)

Client ID: bb208cbb0fc54ef1b8451d5634e659e8
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: a64d6e3

Backup: 1.4.1
Favorites: 1.3.2
Note Tabs: 1.4.0
Quick Links: 1.3.0

What issue do you have?

When exporting my notes in Windows (Markdown format) using Joplin 3.0.12, I noticed an issue: if the note title contains an emoji, it won’t be exported. There’s no error message or notification, so if I select "Export All," any note with an emoji in the title is excluded from the export without any warning. This can be problematic if you're unaware that some notes are missing. Just wanted to share this in case others are encountering the same issue.

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Could you please provide an example of note and steps to replicate the bug?

Sure, create a note and call it 💾 example. Then right-click on the note, select "Export" > "MD - Markdown," and choose a folder to export to. The target folder will be empty. Although two folders, "_resources" and "ALL," will be created, they won't contain any "md" files. Now, do the same process but remove the emoji from the note's title; the export will be done correctly, and the note will be exported as expected.

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Created ticket here: Notes that start with emoji in title cannot be exported as Markdown · Issue #11110 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub

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