Embedding Discourse as Comments on Plugin Website

Continuing the discussion from Plugin Website Comments/Ratings Implementation:

as is looks like that Embed Discourse comments on another website via Javascript - admins - Discourse Meta is the only option we have currently, to have a kind of comment feature in the Plugin Website. I would like to document the requirements and future changes to this default discourse feature.

@Retr0ve is there anything else than the snippet shown in Embed Discourse comments on another website via Javascript - admins - Discourse Meta or are you going to use the API endpoint?

Could you setup a demo using the 14 days trial option of Discourse?

Keep it mind that we may already have already existing topics the need to linked to and to embed more than one page.


If we want to link to the page that already exists on the forum. We probably need to add a new field in the manifest to associate the plugin with the page, otherwise we can't know which page to go to since they don't have a unified id or title.

Or we could create a new page for each plugin under a different category, that would make this process a lot easier.

let us try this as it is much easier than picking up each owner individually.

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