Desktop PC install or update gives fatal error

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin -setup-3.1.20

What issue do you have?

Joplin error by installing

An error occured: Fatal Error

Error: SQLITE_READONLY: attempt to write a readonlu database: ALTER TABLE 'notes' ADD COLUMN 'user_data' TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT at DatabaseDriverNode.sqliteErrorToJsError
Yhen a wlole bunch of lines like

Ther is a choise between "Quit" and "restart in safe mode". The restart option gives the identical error message.

I also have this issue with previous versions Installing from scratch or/and with updates.

I have deinstalled Joplin on my desktoop with Windows system app And with Uninstaller_Geek. Both with the same results.


I'm not the most qualified person to answer this, because I don't use Windows. The error message suggests that your user doesn't have write access to the SQLite DB file. Can you verify that?

For reference, there were two similar reports: