Dead area at the end of the Note List

Joplin version: Joplin 2.10.19 (prod, win32), Joplin 2.10.19 (prod, linux)
Platform: Windows, Linux
OS specifics: Windows 7, Windows10 LTSC, Mint 21.1
Test also on clean profiles with no plugins

There is a dead area at the end of the Note List, and it seems to be related to the new New Note/New ToDo buttons design. It is visible if you change the default background color via CSS. The dead area also does not exist if you stretch the Note List (screenshot below). I have found that the dead area also disappears, if you increase the New Note/New ToDo buttons bottom padding or the gap, but it's a big no because vertical space is valuable. Has anyone found any CSS tricks until it gets fixed? In the meantime, I have created an issue Dead area at the end of the Note List · Issue #8194 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub.


This problem is related to what I mentioned previously (post). And it has been fixed after the Joplin v2.10.10 update but the same problem is now appearing when the search bar and "New Note" & "New Todo" buttons are separated into two rows.

@Dimitris I didn't find any custom CSS solution to fix the dead zone because the note list block height is defined by system calculations. So, you have to wait until Joplin fixed it.

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