Hi All, is there a way to change the date format when exporting through the GUI? The file default to DD_MM_YYYY.jex however I like to keep them in order - so YYYYMMDD.jex.
Is there a way to do this automatically?
No, there isn't.
But maybe we could just use the specifed date format in settings. Personally I always use a YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD format, so changing the default to an unambiguous format is fine with me too.
But the decision lies with Laurent.
It seems that Joplin already does this. I have the date format in settings set as YYYY-MM-DD and when I export a jex archive of everything the filename follows this setting. It's one of the reasons I set the date to this format!
But modifying the date format in Options also modifies how the date are displayed in the UI. For example, at the top of my notes I prefer having the date like this (french format) : 31/08/2021, but then the export looks like this : 31-08-2021.
But for the export I prefer 2021-08-31, much more convenient for sorting files. So it seems I'm stuck !
If you use the Backup Plugin and set it for multiple backups, it will automatically store your settings.json, css files and a complete jex backup in dated folders like this:
AND you can customise the date format in the plugin's advanced settings.
AND if you don't want it to auto backup you can just switch that off (set to 0
backups) and use Tools > Create Backup manually whenever you want to!!
Thanks, I'm already doing that.
I just wanted to mention that the date option was also about how the dates are presented in Joplin.
sorry been away for a while .. fantastic .. thanks