Copy paste data directory from Windows to Android?

Following my question at Sync down to a reinstalled app

  • I have a client and notes on Windows
  • Notes on Dropbox.
  • Reinstalled app on Android phone.

The first sync to the phone has been going on for two days. I can see notebooks and notes slowly being added, but oh the pace!

So, can I do it with a cable? What’s the location of the data in Android?

It’s best to just let it finish as any other method you might try you could end up with invalid sync state, which will cause issues long term.

Not sure why it’s so slow though. I have thousands of items too and it takes less than one hour to do a full sync with Nextcloud. Maybe it’s something with Dropbox that makes it throttle the connections.

Is the Android on your local wifi? Using 3g data for a full transfer would be slow. If you have your data on an older SD card, they sometimes can be super slow. Did you enable E2EE (encrpytion) that seriously slows down a phone. Although the sync should be faster than 2 days. I can see hours but days?

I’d highly recommend leaving it go till it’s finished.

Over the days it's been wifi and mobile network. At the moment I get 5-15 mbps.

Happens to be a fresh one. But where is the stuff saved? Does that look right?

Could there be some bad leftovers from before I reinstalled? Btw, is there an option to uninstall but save the data (or maybe planned) ?

Thankfully no.

Thanks @laurent , @Rootman

For info E2EE wouldn’t slow the process much in this case. The big bottleneck is transfert speed and how many simultaneous connections are possible.