"Change Master Password" feature and management of the encryption key

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Hi everyone,

I've got a question about the "Change Master Password" feature, which is located on the "Tools > Options > Encryption > Master password management" page, for reference:

For context, after a potential breach regarding the data of the company whose product I used as a password manager, and since my password manager contained the master password for my Jopplin Notes, I would like to change it.
I read again the description of how encryption works with Joplin Notes (cf here: End-To-End Encryption (E2EE) | Joplin), and I get that what happens when setting up encryption is that one specifies a master password, which is then used to encrypt an encryption key, encryption key which will be used to encrypt and decrypt notes. The encryption key is shared along the notes when using the synchronization feature. On another device, the encryption key will be received along the notes, and the user will need to specify the master password in order to decrypt the key, which will then be able to be used by Joplin to decrypt the notes on this other device.

My question is as follow: when using the "Change Master Password" feature, does it change only the master password itself? Or does it also regenerate the encryption key? Because ideally I would like the encryption key to be regenerated as well. I get it that it may take some time to decrypt and reencrypt every notes (and then synchronize all of them again, and decrypt them on all synchronized devices), but I would still like to do that, if possible.

And if the encryption key is not actually regenerated during that process, which alternative process could I use in order to achieve this desired result?
Searching over the web, I have found this post:

But it seems like it requires a bit of effort, and the author is not even sure that it would work. Does another, vetted process exist, or not?


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