Bug: Drag-and-drop page reorder, and alt+arrow to move page, set order incorrectly

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.0.13 (prod, darwin)

Client ID: 6a443486fb4247e8aba3b23a50ff505e
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 599cf5b

Backup: 1.4.1
Rich Markdown: 0.13.3


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

I'm having an issue only recently, where dragging and dropping a page does nothing. For example, in this image I try to drag "Morning Notes" to the bottom. The placement bar appears, but when I drop it, nothing happens. I can't drag it anywhere else either. The section is clearly set to "custom order."

Similarly, I try to drag "co meet prep" down, and it unexpectedly pops to the top of the list.

I use the API to set sort orders in some cases, it seems that could be related. I can provide more page info if needed. I would expect the drag and drop to work regardless of how page order was set.

This seems to be a new issue since version 3.x.


Edit: This has also affected the "move page up/down" hotkey (e.g. alt+up). Any attempt at this just puts the page at the top. But, once I have attempted to move all pages, and they've each popped to the top once, then I can rearrange them. So it seems like Joplin is not recognizing the existing note order.



This is still an issue, and I debugged it more closely. This workflow worked perfectly until a recent update, perhaps 3.0. This time I demo'd the bug with alt+up and alt+down to try and move pages. See image below for starting page order.

Starting page order and values (set custom from 0.5 to 2):

  • Page A: 2
  • Page B: 1
  • Page C: .5

The order displays correctly.

Now I activate Page A and press alt+down. This should move the page down 1 place. Instead it does not change order, but does set an (incorrect) order value:

  • Page A: 1721585359753.0557 (!!!)
  • Page B: 1
  • Page C: .5

now I try moving Page C up, with alt+up. Now the order and values are:

  • Page C: 1721660316648.6528
  • Page A:: 1721585359753.0557 (unchanged)
  • Page B: 1

It seems clear that something became messed up with the handling of custom order values, both for drag/drop and for alt+up/down to move pages.


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(Unfortunately since I don't know what it's doing, I can't work around this issue with my API code. I'm not aware of a method to call for "set orders in a way that Joplin 3 will understand." Nevertheless it seems this use case should certainly work correctly, since this is exactly what the order API field is for, setting a custom order using arbitrary floats, afaik.)

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