Joplin 2.7.15
Windows 10
Using WYSIWYG editor in Joplin
I am trying to migrate from OneNote to Joplin but i am struggling with seemingly simple problems (from my perspective). I always used simple tables with text in them in OneNote as i find it much more organised, but markdown is fighting me in some aspects. I use WYSIWYG since tables are unreadable in markdown.
When pasting bash code into table in Joplin i for the life of me do not know how to input backslashes
rsync --archive \
--verbose \
user@source:/dir/ \
when i input above code into a "code block" nor Inline Code
in a table cell, it displays it correctly, but after refreshing the note, it always formats it wrongly no matter what i try, like so:
bash<br>rsync --archive \<br> --verbose \<br> user@source:/dir/ \<br> user@target:/dir/<br>