Assignment of issues for tracking purposes


I was wondering if it would be possible to have issues assigned to me so I don't lose track of them. I mentioned in Joplin UI does not appear to render unless ~/.config/Joplin is deleted · Issue #8226 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub that I would dig into the issue and had a hard time finding it again today. I guess I could just bookmark it or make a local branch on my dev repo immediately, but keeping track of it through GitHub itself would be ideal. I saw that in the past you had some issues with assigning to people during GSoC (which honestly I know nothing about), but I only plan on assigning myself one or two issues at a time and if I really end up getting stuck or not having time to work on it I will unassign myself (or request unassignment) so it's not abandoned.

If this is a strict policy, it's not a big deal, just a convenience thing.

Never mind, I just realized I can see issues I have commented on under "Recent Activity" on the main GitHub page. Works for me.

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