Hi @BeatLink

How I didn't think of that !

Thank you for your interest. I have tried several things in this area:

  • either you use tags to qualify the status of a task... "TODO" "DOING" "DONE" "WAITING"
  • or you use notebooks and drag and drop.

I'm leaning towards the first solution but the plugin should be able to show the "tags" under the task (for example) for a better visual experience. And because we can assign other useful tags for areas and efforts for example (@home @work @10min @30min ...)

In a GTD approach, I think you have to start from the idea that the deadline is informative. It doesn't say when you start working on it. Eventually, I would find it interesting to have a "scheduled" option which had started to be discussed here.

How do you see things in terms of GTD?