After Android's "New to-do" button creates an item, it should start editing immediately

When tapping "Add to-do" in the WYSIWYG editor on Android, the number of taps could be reduced.


  1. Tap "+" button
  2. Tap "New to-do" button
  3. Tap the new item's "Add title" text
  4. Enter text and hit enter
  5. Tap back button
  6. Tap back button again

Finally, I have created a To-do item.

As you can imagine, this is cumbersome and I resent having to make so many taps when my previous note-taking app was much faster.

The most obvious step in to speed it up is to automatically start editing the "To-do" item when it is created after step 2) to save a tap.

As a side-note, I had tried using regular notes previously but on mobile I also found it cumbersome to modify the markdown without a WYSIWYG editor whereas it was fine on desktop.

In my opinion, To-do should have a very fast WYSIWYG editor since they're often used for grocery lists needing quick edits on the go or while at the store.

The most obvious step in to speed it up is to automatically start editing the "To-do" item when it is created after step 2) to save a tap.

I'm linking to a related commit:

As of May 28th, it isn't yet in a released version of Joplin.

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