Hi Community,
I saw some posts talking about the same topic (i.e. Web Clipper: Clip URL to existing note?) but it seems none of them have received a positive answer, so I try again.
What I'd like is an additional setting for the Web Clipper that would allow, whichever format is selected (simplified page, complete page, etc.) to add the original URL into the note (i.e. first line URL = [URL]). I don't think it's much work, so I expect it will soon be available!
Thanks for this great product!
The clipper currently adds a clickable URL to the note properties. Is that of use?
Seems I should cover my head with ashes and hope I'll not be banned from the forum...
This is definitely of use, and I just totally forgot it was there!
Thanks for helping a dumb user!
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It's already nice that the notes have a link to the original ressource, but I'd prefer to have it added as a markdown link in the note itself.
Hello, I'm new here and trialing Joplin to escape the clutches of Evernote.
I did google but I can't find what I think is probably very simple. How to you add a website address into an existing note?
I did figure out that by using the clipper, you can make a new note with the website, but I want to add multiple websites within notes. I'm a crafter, so I like to include tutorials using specific products that I use. I have over 40,000 notes in Evernote. I don't want to have each website make up even more notes.
I usually just copy and paste, but the link isn't clickable when I do that with Joplin. I also tried "insert Hpyerlink" but it still isn't clickable.
Thank you, kindly!
Please make a new support topic with the template so we know which version you are asking about and which editor you are using. This existing topic is specifically about the webclipper source URLs.