A markdown outline sidebar plugin for Joplin

1.1.1 supports it.

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1.1.2 Fixed it. try again.

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I've been having this issue of a blank panel for the last couple of versions of Joplin. I found an issue in github, and added my own notes to that.


I just tried clearing out the cache and tmp folders (with plugins all disabled). But the issue continues. I'm guessing it's a Joplin issue rather than a specific plugin? Unless having a plugin installed but disabled, could cause this? (I pretty much have ALL the plugins installed - but disabled to see if it resolves this - it doesn't).

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I ultimately decided to download a SQLite browser and hand-edit the ui.layout page.

A simpler--thought less satisfying--solution is to delete and reinstall Joplin. If you do this, take reasonable precautions with your data of course. And be sure to delete the various installation folders.


Oh, that's a really good idea. Thanks for the tip. Found ui.layout in settings in the database (after backing up my entire Joplin folder (with database, etc, included).

Found the following contents, and deleted the bolded part. Crossed my fingers and upon relaunch, Joplin no longer had a blank panel! Thanks for your tip @bladewolf55 ! :grinning:


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1.1.3 version now supports toggling panel display.

When the panel is on the far right, there will be a bug that only hides the content of the panel. It is recommended to put the outline panel on the left side of the note.


So far, so good! Will report back if the non-clickable outline issue resurfaces, thanks.

Request for one more feature to improve an already awesome/useful plugin. The toggle hide pane is working really well for me (I have it as the third pane from the left), but that made me think that an auto-show/auto-hide feature would be great. That is, if I click on a note that is in outline form, the outline panel opens automatically. And then if I click on a note that doesn't have an outline, the pane auto-hides. That would be very slick.


Wow, this suggestion is great. I will implement it as soon as possible.

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1.1.5 supports it.


Just updated. Outstanding!!!

Really great!


New user of joplin and just saw your sidebar plugin which I think is a nice addition to the software.
I put the sidebar plugin directly underneath the note sidebar which I think is illustrative.

I think the plugin is great so far and thank you for your effort.

A couple of suggestions

  1. A space before the actual text would look nice. Now the text almost collides with the left-hand margin
  2. I think it would be nice to substitute the "outline" text with the actual note name
    If that would be also click-able so you would end up in the top of the document that would be neat as well

When I think about it, something that would look good is to merge note list and MD tags. What I mean is that you get only one sidebar with a combination of...

name of note1
MD header 1
    MD header 2
name of note2

Also if all of these were not only click-able but in a TreeView so that you could collapse the MD headers

I know that would imply a big change and perhaps scope of your plugin, but just thought I would suggest it. For my part I think it would be very valuable.

great work anyhow

Lots of good ideas in here! I would like to +1 your 2nd suggestion in particular. I often want a way to scroll quickly to the top of a note.

I kinda prefer keeping the "Outline" text. For those of us who locate the outline panel below and in the same column as the note list, using the note name seems a bit awkward. "Outline" provides a nice clean break from the note list.

But definitely agree that clicking on the outline panel's title bringing you to top of the note would be useful.


I would also like to keep the 'Outline' text, but I think it could be more header-like. All the other app panels (and some plugin) are using the same formatting (uppercase, bold text, with an icon in front of the text), and I feel like it could give the plugins some polish and a better visual integration.

Kinda late, but thanks a lot, it looks really great now.

Hi @laurent, I started having a ghost panel a few days ago (right after updating the outline plugin), and I now have a ton of resizableLayout_renderItem: Trying to render an item using an empty key in the console. Are you still looking for people with this problem?
Running Joplin 1.7.11 (prod, win32) portable

I think I've fixed that now, so it should be in the next release.

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I think the outline panel should also be automatically hidden in cases when all the headings are visible on the screen. This is reasonable for me. I'm not sure about other people.