Where can I find old binaries?

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

macOS 10.14.6

What issue do you have?

I gave up on Evernote and tried OneNote, which didn't work for me. I've started using Joplin and so far it feels like I finally found something that will allow me to migrate from Evernote. I have one thing blocking me. The current version has a minimum macOS version of 10.15, but I have a computer that I need to keep on 10.14.6. Is there a way to get an old version that is compatible with my system?

Previous versions can be found on github at Releases · laurent22/joplin · GitHub - each version, if clicked, will show the artifacts.

But which version will function on 10.14.6? I'm not sure.

I believe that you will need v2.14.23 as:

  1. It should be the last version that runs on older macOS systems like 10.14, and,
  2. Unlike some other v2.14.x releases, it will not complain if you are syncing and have any other clients that are v3.x.x
  • Improved: Disable sync version check to allow compatibility between 2.14 and 3.0 for users who cannot upgrade

Thank you so much. v2.14.23 is working great!