Web client: Running Joplin Mobile in a web browser with react-native-web

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your fast and helpful reply. This has really helped me to get started.

So far, the only issue (if it even warrants that label) is the fact that the Rich Markdown plug-in doesn’t seem to work entirely right on mobile. I think I remember seeing a thread about this here a few months ago, but couldn't find it just now. My issue is that “Align wrapped list items to the indent level” is not working, at least not for me.

But I realize that this is an issue with Rich Markdown and the mobile app, and nothing specifically about the web client.

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Joplin in a web browser would fill a big functional gap for me - I'm excited ! I run Joplin Server, with a bunch of clients... Is there any documentation yet about of I should deploy Joplin Mobile on a HTTP server ? I searched but couldn't find any.

Meanwhile I found https://app.joplincloud.com works with my Joplin server... Nice !

See the GitHub Actions build script for the web app and Building the applications | Joplin.

To summarize:

  1. Set up a Joplin development environment (see BUILD)
  2. Build the web app with yarn web from packages/app-mobile
  3. Serve the content of packages/app-mobile/web/dist/ with an HTTP server.
    • Due to the browser APIs used by the web app, it can only be accessed from a secure context. This includes https domains and localhost.
    • To have access to Joplin Server, the web app needs to be hosted on the same domain.
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