Updates don't update

I download and click the new updates but they don’t install. Joplin opens and the ver is still 1.0.83

on which OS do you have this behavior ?

Windows 10, 64 bit. Thank you for your help. The download is this: Joplin-1.0.91.exe. But when clicked it opens the old ver of Joplin.

Can you try Joplin-Setup-1.0.91.exe instead ?

Where do I get that? Obviously, that is not what comes up when the program advises me to update.

you can get it from here https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/releases/tag/v1.0.91

that did it. thx. shouldn’t that be the file that comes up instead of the program?

it has been fixed in the doc

I try to update too, i’ve download the newest AppImage Joplin-1.0.107-x86_64.AppImage when i double click it, nothings happend.

My machine is:
Lenovo G40 Amd A4
Ubuntu Mate 18.04.1
Linux v4.18.5