The Following Attachments are Being Watched for Changes

I am jusing Jopline 1.0.233 on Linux Mint 20 (Cinnamon).

I’m a new convert to Joplin, abandoning OneNote since there’s no native Linux client. I just happened upon Joplin this morning while searching Twitter, and am shocked (and saddened) that I haven’t found you all sooner!

One of the things I was trying to test or sort out was around attachments. I’m going to be taking a highly technical course where I’m able to use my notes on the final exam. In OneNote, I’m able to attach files (PDF, Word, LibreOffice, images, etc) and they are automatically OCR’d. This is highly desirable for me since I want to be able to search for content within those files. I already found this issue on GitHub:

So in the process of testing, I attached a PDF to a note. If I click on the filename, I get this message: “The following attachments are being watched for changes: The attachments will no longer be watched when you switch to a different note.”

The file isn’t opened… If I right-click the filename I see an “open” option, but it does nothing. The workaround I’ve found is to right-click, “reveal in folder,” and find the PDF there and open it.

From the verbiage of that message I get the impression that Joplin thinks the file is open and is watching for any changes… but it’s not opening for me.

I followed the debug instructions at but there were no warnings or errors.