Template Plugin

I think there can be multiple notebooks with same name.

Yes this is true ... possible the first match? ... because the ID is for a user bad.

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Hmm, yup that could be done I guess using the search api. I would like to know the opinion of other users as well on this.

BTW, I agree that notebook id is bad for the user currently, because there's no way for users to know that.


Personally I am fine with that, this could be mentioned in the plugin's help I guess. My intention is to have folders like journal, scrap, todo etc

Two ideas for notebook ID:

  • if when the notebook name is ambiguous, show a drop down when creating the note. So say i have 3 sub notebooks called "Notes". If I add a template_notebook: I write "Notes", then I will get a dropdown with "Notebook 1: Notes, Notebook 2: Notes... etc" This seems messy, but the user would just need to name their notebook with a more specific name to get around it
  • Another option is to add a feature (probably to the main app) that allows the user to right click a notebook and "Copy ID" then they could paste that into the note. Still not 100% straightforward, but easy to understand and document.

Unsorted Dropdown

Joplin 2.2.7
Windows 10
Plugin 1.0.0

When selecting a template the drop-down appears to be unsorted or at least not an alphanumeric sort. Just suggesting that this could be an inconvenience for anyone who has more than a few templates.


Yup, it's unsorted currently. I thought because it supports autocomplete it won't be a problem.

Ok. For some reason I just did not expect to see an unsorted list.

Also it seems slightly odd to me that the "Create ... from default template" options are a further level down. In the screengrab (below), menu (1) is where the templates are "activated". Would it not be logical to have the "create from default" options listed here and use the "Default templates" sub-menu just for managing them?


I am not complaining or suggesting that anything that has been implemented is wrong! I am just making observations as someone using the plugin for the first time.

Makes, sense. If I am not wrong you're suggesting to reorder Create note from default template and Create to-do from default template directly below the Create note from template and Create to-do from template right?

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I was suggesting

  • Create note from template
  • Create note from default template
  • Create to-do from template
  • Create to-do from default template
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Cool, I've created an issue for sorting the templates. (Sort the templates in the selector · Issue #24 · joplin/plugin-templates · GitHub).

I'd like to create a poll for re-ordering the menu. (Btw, I'm in favour of re-ordering)

  • The current order is fine
  • Move Create note/to-do from default templates out of the submenu.

0 voters

It's a late post. This version was already released 8 days ago.

Release v1.1.4 :rocket:

Bug Fixes

  • improve error messages in case of invalid variable names (#32) (20b71b1), closes #29
  • reorder the templates menu (c698d33), closes #25
  • sort the templates according to locale and enable numeric sorting (#34) (91a4d0c)

For reporting bugs/feature-requests or to know more about the plugin visit the GitHub Repo.

Release v2.0.0 :rocket:


  • add support for adding labels for custom variables (b138110), closes #30
  • allow specifying title and tags in templates (c36dea0)
  • use dropdown instead of enum for better user experience (c009fc9), closes #7

Bug Fixes

  • auto wrap special variable values in double quotes (720eea2)
  • ignore eslint errors for \S (dd98f44)
  • parser: update the regex used to find special variables (cb3d677)

For reporting bugs/feature-requests or to know more about the plugin visit the GitHub Repo.

PS - This release doesn't have any breaking changes. I released a major version because a lot of new features were added to this release.


Thank you very much for this plugin. One question: is there a way to indicate that the creation of a task or a note is always done in the same notebook?

Sorry, I didn’t get your question. Can you please elaborate?

Yes, of course. In fact, I would like to have a task template that creates all the tasks in the same "todo" notebook. The main point of this is to avoid having to move to the right notebook (or move the note afterwards).


Oh ok. I actually forgot about this feature. But I believe there was some discussion on this and as currently there is no way to find the id of a notebook we’ll have use the title of the notebook. I can see that there will be some problems using that. I’ll explore if there’s a way that I can make the ids of notebooks available to users easily. And then, I’ll implement this feature.


This is great news. Thank you.

Is there a way to have the note titles created from the template?

Ever since transitioning to the new plugin, I have to manually copy my header information to the title bar.

It used to work this way:

  1. create new note from template.
  2. Update text of first row (i.e replace "Title" text with something relevant
  3. The Note name updated based on these changes.
  4. After changing the line it no longer updated the note title.

My Template:

# {{#custom_datetime}}MM.DD.YYYY{{/custom_datetime}}  - Title
<br> Date: {{#custom_datetime}}MM.DD.YYYY HH:mm{{/custom_datetime}}
<br> Present:    
<br> Absent :  

## Agenda

Yes, it is. Please refer GitHub - joplin/plugin-templates: Create templates in Joplin and use them to create new notes and todos.

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