Not a issue per se but I am wondering if I can use file system sync as a backup method as the internet goes down here at times. Can I use dropbox most of the time, but when it is down, sync to file system then run a sync on my Android (using syncthing)? Then when it is back, switch back, running the sync to update back to dropbox (making sure all devices are fully synced before I do). Or will this screw everything up?
Joplin 2.10.19 (prod, win32) is the oldest version I am using at the moment as one machine can't do win10.
Android device is currently joplin-v2.9.8.apk I know I could update that but everything works and I am afraid of corrupting/breaking something since it would take a LONG time to get the Android resynced (it is slow as you know). So I am not going to"back up and try it" lol.
I'm not clear on what a File System Sync would gain when you usually use Dropbox all the time. Changing your sync targets may bring about conflicts.
If your phone gets ahead with edits and changes, that's fine. They'll reconcile when the Internet access returns and you sync back.
If you are concerned about a backup of your Joplin data on the phone, doing an export to a JEX file and then moving that to a USB to get it off the phone is probably easier.
Well yes using Dropbox when the internet is up. But sadly, not everywhere it always is. Here, it will go down at times for hours or perhaps a day before it is fixed.
So here is a scenario:
I am on a desktop, every device with Joplin has been synced before I started work on this desktop.
Internet goes down, but since I am mostly using local files in this case I am able to keep working.
The estimate from the ISP is several hours at best, perhaps tomorrow
I have to leave and go elsewhere, and I need the changes/data that are now on the desktop on the mobile Andriod but of course I can't since I can't access Dropbox due to the internet connection being down.
If I can sync to the file system on the desktop, then sync with the Android device using Syncthing to that same folder on the desktop, it should have all the data and not be any conflicts correct?
Once the internet is back up (or I am at different location with Internet), I would sync again to Dropbox. First from the Android device as that will likely have everything and any latest changes.
That is my idea. To use the file system sync as a back up.
Is that more clear? Now if this is going to screw up my database, or if I am missing something in the method, by all means tell me. It is why I am asking here instead of just trying it and seeing.
It's been said on this forum in the past that File System Sync was really meant for release testing. I used to use it myself, and have each of my devices File System Sync to a second local directory, and then use SyncThing to keep those three directories together. But each Joplin would have to sync before and when done to ensure the others got it, else you'd hit a sync issue.
Sync issues occurred on my daily notes page, as I'd frequently edit it and do so from each device with notes and things to do alter.
You may want to think about doing something like that between your devices. But as I think, I'm not sure SyncThing will work if the Internet is down due to it's discovery of your other devices.
Dropbox would definitely be good for a JEX backup and store it there.
Yeah, well when you are rural, the choices are slim to none. Sure there is Starlink but that is too expensive for me. Not to mention I doubt it would hold up during the storms around here. Then I would be in the same problem but paying more lol.
As for sync before and after, I do that already to prevent conflicts. "Automatic Sync only" will create problems sooner or later in my experience (not just Joplin, anything similar). So I am pressing sync before I start until it says "completed" only no fetching/uploading/creating/etc and after I finish. Being sure to sync up before starting and right after works well, and it sounds like it would be an even larger benefit with file system sync.
At least it sounds like I won't hose my entire database if I switch for a backup etc.
Dropbox would be good for a JEX backup sure, IF the internet is up. If it isn't, same problem.
SyncThing requires internet? I seem to recall seeing people using it to sync with their devices (including Android) without a server etc. I can see a problem if I was trying over USB but through local WIFI should work I think?
Anyway as it sounds like I won't corrupt the local databases if I try (might get a few conflicts if I don't Sync before and after). So I will give it a spin and see. Thanks for the info.
Syncthing doesn't need the Internet to work. However, there are some issues regarding broken local discovery due to OS restrictions in newer Android versions, so you may need to define static IP addresses if you want to connect to the phone on LAN with no Internet access.