I confirmed that this code works with my 6.7 GB Keep collections with ~3800 items.
the code stall if the HTML size is 0 b, so I must clean those empty pages/files first.
I am using python3 keep-to-enex.py -o keep.enex.
The attachment download link in each note is not working in HTML notes. They only work in markdown notes, so, in future testing, I am thinking of trying to run the folder to GitHub - vHanda/google-keep-exporter: Export google keep notes to markdown first before using this python code. UPDATE The markdown exporter did not work. Only a third of my notes converted, [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead. · Issue #10 · vHanda/google-keep-exporter · GitHub.
Dear @Leonard777, @gme, and all of Good People here,
thank you.